Clearwater Spiritual Awakening

Living Life in Search of Truth!

Come To Life. Come To First Step Knowledge.

“Love ye all religions and all races with a love that is true and sincere and show that love through deeds...” ~ ʻAbdu'l-Bahá

Baha’i Centers of Learning

Baha’i schools across the United States offer three- to five-day programs for adults, youth and children on such themes as [ Read More ]

Study Circles

Study circles are regular gatherings of people interested in studying the Baha’i Writings and applying [ Read More ]

Children’s Spiritual Education

The Baha’i community places great emphasis on the moral and spiritual education of children and youth [ Read More ]

Programs for Teens and Pre-Teens

Young members of the Baha’i community are encouraged to grow in moral responsibility, often by contributing [ Read More ]

Core Curriculum for Spiritual

The U.S. Baha’i community has developed curricular materials for the spiritual education of children [ Read More ]

Baha'i Explorations

We hope you will enjoy the mix of speakers and the variety of topics discussed every Sunday here on our website [ Read More ]

Join our online talk & discussion on
Sunday at 11:00 am EST

This week’s presenter: Mr. Wade Fransson

This week presenter:

Wade Fransson is a former Christian Minister who served in numerous countries including many in Eastern and Western Europe, South Africa and the United States. His religious tradition included a deep appreciation for Judaism, in which they observed the Jewish Sabbaths and Holy Days from a Christian vantage point, giving him unique insights into progressive revelation. He first visited the Baha'i World Center in 1981 when he participated in the City of David Archaeological expedition, in conjunction with Ambassador College and Hebrew University. 25 years later he found his way to the Baha’i Faith, declaring, along with his wife, Angela, in 2007. Inspired on his first pilgrimage in 2010 to launch a Publishing Company, Wade went on to publish books by several Baha’i authors, as well as other religious and secular authors. Wade and his family are enthusiastic participants in Baha’i Community Activities, as well as launching individual initiatives such as The Royal Falcon Foundation and the weekly Created in the Image of God podcast.

This week’s topic: The Bible and the Baha'i Faith: A Religious Duty

"The Bible and the Baha'i Faith: A Religious Duty, to be presented by Wade Fransson is a focused effort to assist Baha’is in fulfilling this religious duty, assigned to us by Abdu’l Baha, to know and understand the Bible, in a format that is welcoming and inspirational for Baha’is and friends of the faith alike. It is further intended to pursue Baha’u’llah’s repeated admonition to “consort freely with the followers of all religions” with specific focus on the Judeo Christian majority in the Western world. Participants will not only learn directly from the Word of God, but will gain valuable insights on how to apply what they are learning through the framework for action of the Baha’i Institute Process. The series will launched last month on February 23rd, with an introductory discussion on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, about which Abdu’l Baha said the following:

The Bible and the Gospels are most honored in the estimation of all Baha'is. One of the spiritual utterances of His Holiness Christ in his Sermon on the Mount is preferable to me to all the writings of the philosophers. It is the religious duty of every Baha'i to read and comprehend the meanings of the Old and New Testament. (Abdu'l-Baha, Star of the West, Vol. 14, p. 55)

Upcoming, Current & Previous Seminars

Our previous Online Classes

February 19, 2023

Storytelling Sundays #9: Tahirih Part One: Iráq

February 12, 2023

Storytelling Sundays #10: Tahirih Part Two: Persia

February 12, 2023

Ezekiel – The Hebrew Prophet Speaks Today, Part 1

February 5, 2023

Four Steps for Figuring Out Prophecy