
Social Media to Social Action, Technology helps to solve the purpose of Life.

This presentation deals with a basic and most important understanding; the subject of, “The Purpose of Life.” How a New race of man will walk on earth, What is our responsibility and how a proactive Baha’i can make the world a better place and cause a positive change in the world? This requires continuous and […] Read More

Abdul-Baha in America (NYC) part 2

Of all the historical, religious, and cultural events in the history of the United States, the arrival of Abdul Baha in 1912 was the most important one of all. Many people from all facets of society had the honor of meeting Him, to attend His talks as well as the benefit of learning from His […] Read More

Abdul-Baha in America (NYC) part 1

Of all the historical, religious, and cultural events in the history of the United States, the arrival of Abdul Baha in 1912 was the most important one of all. Many people from all facets of society had the honor of meeting Him, to attend His talks as well as the benefit of learning from His […] Read More

1844: Convergence in Prophecy for Judaism, Christianity and the Baha’i Faith

The presentation will focus on the various prophecies and expectations for the year 1844 derived from the prophet Daniel, the book of Revelation, and Islamic traditions. The three religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam yielded a surprising union of prophecies and traditions for that year. In the West, Christians were expecting the return of Jesus, […] Read More

The Bab and the Theology of Revelation

In 1844 a charismatic young Persian merchant from Shiraz, known as the Báb, electrified the Shí‘ih world by claiming to be the return of the Hidden Twelfth Imam of Islamic prophecy. But contrary to traditional expectations of apocalyptic holy war, the Báb maintained that the spiritual path was not one of force and coercion but love […] Read More

The African Presence at the Genesis of the Baha’i Faith

Baha’i history has paid too little attention to the Africans who were present in the household of the Bab at the beginning of the Baha’i era. This presentation will discuss the roles that Haji Mubarak and Fezzeh Khanum, the two African servants of the Bab, played in the early days of the Faith. From the […] Read More

The Harmony of Science and Religion

We will explore Baha’u’llah’s teachings on physical and spiritual reality and highlight a scientific approach to pursuing our studies in science and apply those same principles to the study of religious texts utilizing hermeneutic principles as outlined in the sacred writings of the Baha’i Faith. Read More

The Pandemic and the Lesser Peace Updated!

In this second presentation John S. Hatcher, PhD discusses the topic “The Pandemic and the Path to the Lesser Peace in depth.” In an earlier talk, He spoke of the unique conditions the pandemic had produced, some of which, He remarked, were not necessarily negative in their ability to awaken us to the inextricable relationship […] Read More

Spiritual Resilience in This Time of Crisis

The time when mere belief in principles and theologies, as important as they are, simply will not be enough to ensure your resilience in this turbulent age. Explore some of the core spiritual realities that form the foundation of resilience. Now is the time to thrive by unleashing the power of the revelation of the […] Read More

Towards the New World Order, A Bahá’í Perspective

Copy of this presentation: Meditation 98 Towards a New World OrderIf you read the Introduction to the Dawnbreakers, Nabil describes the wretchedness of the Persian state and society in the 19th century. It reads: “Persia as a feeble and backward nation divided against itself by corrupt practices and ferocious bigotries. Inefficiency and wretchedness, the fruits of […] Read More