Steve Zaloudek is a practicing trial attorney in Tampa, Florida. He was involved in a variety of race unity building activities as a Baha’i youth in Atlanta sponsored by the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change and spent a Summer during law school interning at the MLK, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission. As a lawyer, about half of Steve’s clients are people of color and Steve relishes the opportunity to seek justice on their behalf and to ensure that they are getting the representation and respect that they deserve. Steve has a passion for bringing black folks and white folks together for needed meaningful dialogue in order to connect hearts and form genuine friendships. In 2016, he founded a group in Atlanta called Healing the Racial Divide and he is currently moderating an ongoing Zoom devotional gathering dedicated to race that has occurred every Friday night for the past 4 months. He is also one of the founding members of the Tampa area Bahá’ís Race Unity Task Force and, in this role, has been recently interviewed on radio and TV outlets in the greater Tampa area to talk about the Bahá’í inspired race unity related activities in the Tampa area.