Mr. Wade Fransson

Wade Fransson is a former Christian Minister who served in numerous countries including many in Eastern and Western Europe, South Africa and the United States. His religious tradition included a deep appreciation for Judaism, in which they observed the Jewish Sabbaths and Holy Days from a Christian vantage point, giving him unique insights into progressive revelation. He first visited the Baha’i World Center in 1981 when he participated in the City of David Archaeological expedition, in conjunction with Ambassador College and Hebrew University. 25 years later he found his way to the Baha’i Faith, declaring, along with his wife, Angela, in 2007. Inspired on his first pilgrimage in 2010 to launch a Publishing Company, Wade went on to publish books by several Baha’i authors, as well as other religious and secular authors. Wade and his family are enthusiastic participants in Baha’i Community Activities, as well as launching individual initiatives such as The Royal Falcon Foundation and the weekly Created in the Image of God podcast.