Kevin Locke (Tokaheya Inajin in Lakota translation “First to Arise”) is a world-famous visionary Hoop Dancer, preeminent player of the Indigenous Northern Plains flute, traditional storyteller, cultural ambassador, recording artist, and educator. Kevin is Lakota and Anishnabe. While his instructions were received from his immediate family and community, from extended family in every part of the world, Kevin has learned many lessons in global citizenship and how we each can draw from our individual heritages to create a vibrant, evolving global civilization embracing and celebrating our collective heritage. Over the years Kevin has become an avid storyteller and entertainer, with nearly 40 years of performing to hundreds of thousands of people in over 90 countries, Kevin Locke’s concerts and presentations at performing art centers, festivals, schools, universities, conferences, state and national parks, monuments and historic sites, powwows and reservations number in the hundreds annually. He works tirelessly to Educate and promote His ideals of fellowship and love amongst all of Humankind. Eighty percent of Kevin’s presentations are performed thru the educational system and shared with children of all ages in schools, community centers, and festivals internationally. As a folk artist, he uses his talents to teach others about his specific tribal background. His special joy is working with children on the reservations to ensure the survival and growth of the indigenous culture.
In 2021, Kevin Locke and Christopher Buck teamed up to teach an online course through the Wilmette Institute, “The Great Spirit Speaks: Voices of the Wise Ones” — offered twice in 2021, by popular demand, and which will be offered again in February 2022. See https://wilmetteinstitute.org/courses/the-great-spirit-speaks/