Dr. Peseschkian, a triple German Board-certified specialist in psychiatry, neurology, and psychotherapy, is the Managing and Academic Director of the Wiesbaden Academy for Psychotherapy, Medical Director of the Wiesbaden Psychotherapy Clinic, and President of the World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy. With extensive experience, he holds various international certifications and memberships, including recognition from the American Psychiatric Association.
Leading the Wiesbaden Academy of Psychotherapy, he oversees a state-licensed educational training program with over 200 enrolled participants and has guided more than 1,000 psychotherapists in postgraduate training. At the Wiesbaden Psychotherapy Center, over 80 resident psychotherapists conduct sessions for around 800 patients weekly.
The World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy promotes the Bahá’í-inspired method of Positive Psychotherapy, developed by the late father of Dr. Peseschkian, Prof. Nossrat Peseschkian. The World Association expanded its reach to more than 50 countries, boasting over 2,100 members. He has organized numerous international conferences and authored several books, including the translated monograph “Psychovampires – a positive approach to energy suckers.”
Born in Wiesbaden to an Iranian Bahá’í and medical family, he remains dedicated to Bahá’í service and has served on various elected and appointed institutions. Dr. Peseschkian and his wife, Cathérine, travel internationally, contributing to the promotion of a global civilization.