Dr. Ghasem Bayat is a specialist in the exploration and production of oil and gas. This has led him to serve in many oil and gas-producing provinces around the world over the past forty-five years. He has authored many industrial and scientific articles in his areas of expertise. The Protection of the environment through the prevention of pollution in our rivers, lakes and oceans, land and air has been his major concern. He has fulfilled this obligation through engaging in responsible operations, increasing social awareness of the public, by speaking on radio and TV, and delivering lectures at universities and other centers of learning over the past decades.
Dr. Bayat has been a student of world religions and their respective scriptures, the history of nations and cultures, and in particular, the Baha’i Faith. He has authored many articles in Baha’i publications and regularly presents on Baha’i radio and TV programs.
For seven years, he presented the teachings of the Baha’i Faith as solutions to world challenges and religious issues through live televised interfaith dialogue, at Yaran Program of “Pars TV.” Over the past two years in another weekly TV program, “In the Court of History”, Dr. Bayat presents the Baha’i teachings as solutions to the past and present cultural and religious shortcomings of the Muslim world.