Clearwater Bahá’ís is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Among a host of topics, Dr. Drew plans to address the detrimental effects of the profit motive in healthcare, while encouraging patients to adopt a more engaged role with their primary care doctors.
In addition he will be pointing out how this dovetails with the Baha’i Writings re the agreement of science and religion, and the obligation to follow our physicians’ advice. Briefly, Drew believes that in order to safely obey Baha’u’llah’s admonition to obligatorily follow our physicians’ advice (passage #3 in the online health, healing and nutrition compilation) we must simultaneously follow Abdu’l-Baha’s teaching to know of thine own knowledge and therefore choose to be much more heavily engaged in partnership with our physicians. The pair of teachings together has a particularly powerful application in the physician-patient relationship. If we knew going into our visits with our doctors that we would have to follow the agreed upon plan, then we would strive for greater success in understanding and following through with their advice, something that studies show that we are doing a particularly poor job of, especially here in the US.
More information about his book, click the link here: https://soopllc.com/product/the-healing-connection/
More information about Dr. Drew, click the link here: https://drewremignanti.pubsitepro.com/
Topic: The Healing Connection: A Partnership for Your Health by Drew Remignanti. MD, MPH/ Something or Other Publishing Time: Mar 17, 2024 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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