
What is the Divine Curriculum and how does it work?

This presentation will focus on certain fundamental truths commonly referred to in the Bahá’í Faith as “progressive revelation”, and which I also refer to as “The Divine Curriculum.” The main concepts to be discussed, and which will be used to answer the question expressed in the title of this talk, are as follows: The oneness […] Read More

Angels, Stars, and Heralds: A Bahá’í Perspective on Christmas

The topic for Eileen’s presentation today is “Angels, Stars and Forerunners: A Bahá’í Perspective on Christmas.” Have you ever wondered if there really was a star foretelling Jesus’s birth? If the Magi really did visit the infant Jesus? Or are the Gospel birth stories part of a larger fabric? Read More

Christ’s “Quickening Power” and Bahá’u’lláh’s “Quickeners of Mankind”: Comparing Syriac Christian and Bahá’í Paradigms of Salvation, with Special Reference to Theōsis

The concept of “Quickening Power” in the context of Syriac Christian theology and the idea of “Quickeners of Mankind” in Bahá’í teachings represent theological concepts associated with the transformative and redemptive power believed to be at work in the spiritual journey of individuals and humanity as a whole. While the specific terminology and doctrinal nuances […] Read More

A Psychological Perspective on the Laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas (The Most Holy Book of the Bahai-Faith)

There are 8 billion ways to view the Book of Aqdas. The psychotherapeutic-psychiatric perspective is particularly interesting, as almost all commandments and laws deal with human relationships and only become understandable in this context.After an introduction to the book’s claim as a “charter of the future world civilization,” nine guiding principles are presented that can […] Read More

Dawn-Breaker: The story of Nabil

This presentation explores the life of Nabil-iAzam, Apostle of Baha’u’llah, eminent Baha’i Historian, author of Nabil’s Narrative. Nabil was one of the foremost teachers of the Cause in his day, sent on many teaching missions by Baha’u’llah Himself, he was the first Baha’i to complete pilgrimage rites in Shiraz and Baghdad and was the one […] Read More

“Journey of Grace: Exploring the Remarkable Life of Ruhiyyih Khanum”

Ruhiyyih Khanum, born Mary Sutherland Maxwell in 1910, was a prominent figure in the Baha’i Faith, dedicating her life to its principles of unity, peace, and social justice. As the wife of Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Baha’i Faith, she played a crucial role in supporting and advancing the global Baha’i community. Her life […] Read More

“More than Money: Contributions of Hand of the Cause Amelia Collins”

The monetary contributions by Hand of the Cause Amelia Collins are generally well known. This presentation aims to focus on Milly’s services in the teaching and administrative areas, and how she manifested what the beloved Guardian called “her exemplary devotion and her strenuous exertions to promote the manifold interest of a far flung Faith.” Shoghi […] Read More

Tahirih: A Religious Paradigm of Womanhood.

Tahirih, the subject of this upcoming presentation, is celebrated for her multifaceted legacy that includes her poetic prowess, profound theological insights, pioneering role in the early Bahá’í community, and her exceptional talent for uniting and motivating women to cast off their subjugated status. One of the most remarkable instances of her leadership occurred when she […] Read More

The Murder of Three Azalis in Akka in 1872 and Baha’u’llah’s Lawh-i Istintaq (“Tablet of the Interrogation”)

One of the saddest events in Baha’u’llah’s life was the murder of three followers of His half-brother Mirza Yahya “Subh-i Azal” in ‘Akka in 1872 by seven Baha’is. Like their master, Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani, “the Antichrist of the Baha’i Revelation” and the instigator of Mirza Yahya, and two others were inveterate enemies of Baha’u’llah and […] Read More

The Life and Fate of Mulla Ali Bastami: Letter of the Living, “the second believer in God” and “the first to suffer for His sake”

We will follow the life of Mulla Ali Bastami, a disciple of the Bab, a Letter of the Living, who was sent as His emissary to Iraq to propagate His Cause. Bastami who was “the first to leave the House of God (Shíráz) and the first to suffer for His sake,” was imprisoned in Baghdad […] Read More