Justice is the principle of fairness, in which individuals are treated equally and impartially. Equity refers to fairness and impartiality, especially in the distribution of resources or the assignment of duties. In Roman mythology, justice is often depicted as a woman holding scales, symbolizing the weighing of evidence in a legal case. Emanuel Kant, a German philosopher, wrote about justice as a moral principle that requires people to treat others as they would wish to be treated. In the Baha’i faith, justice and equity are considered important virtues that should guide the actions of individuals and society. It is emphasized that justice and equity should be upheld in all matters and that those who are unjust are lacking in the characteristics that distinguish humans above animals.
In the Baha’i faith, justice is considered a virtue of the highest order, with ranks and stations that are beyond human understanding. It is believed that the essence of justice and its source are embodied in the ordinances prescribed by the Manifestation of God, who incarnates the highest and infallible standard of justice. The law revealed by the Manifestation of God may cause fear and agitation in people, but it is ultimately a manifestation of justice. It is suggested that these feelings should be compared to the cries of a baby being weaned from its mother’s milk, for those who are able to perceive the truth.