Day: May 13, 2024

Dr. Boris Handal

Dr Boris Handal is a Professor of Education at the University of Notre Dame Australia. He is the author of Mírzá Mihdí, The Purest Branch; Varqá and Rúḥu’lláh; Eve Nicklin, She of the Brave Heart; The Khamsis, a Cradle of True Gold; A Trilogy of Consecration; El Concurso en Lo Alto and Muḥammad Profeta de […] Read More

“Adam and Adam”

Eileen will present a Bahá’í perspective on Adam, Eve, and the Garden of Eden. Did you know that there are two Adams? The Prophet Adam and the human Adam, or mankind. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá gave a lengthy description of the symbolic meanings in this saga, and then invited readers to reflect on what He said and figure […] Read More