Year: 2021

Power to the Pupil

Towards a New Black Liberation Theology within the Framework of the Baha’i FaithWhen I was in grade school, I was taught that “black” represented the absence of color — a void of “nothingness,” into which all things were consumed and divested of their distinguishing characteristics. On the other hand, “white,” was designated as the point […] Read More

Baha’i Faith: The Basics

Bahá’í Faith: The Basics provides a thorough and accessible introduction to a fascinating, independent world religion. Examining its historical development, current “community-building” efforts, and the social contributions of the Bahá’í Faith in the world today, this introduction covers:Beliefs: Bahá’í spiritual teachings.Principles: Bahá’í social teachings.History: Bahá’u’lláh and his covenant.Scripture: Bahá’í sacred texts and inspired guidance.Institutions: The […] Read More

Mr. Masud Olufani

Masud Ashley Olufani is an Atlanta-based actor and mixed media artist whose studio practice is rooted in the discipline of sculpture. Masud learned of the Baha’i Faith in 1992 as a student at Morehouse College in Atlanta.He was introduced to the Faith from a then-girlfriend who was not a Baha’i but an admirer. According to […] Read More

Visualizing the Divine Economy – What Does Ethical Economics and Economic Justice Look Like?

THIS IS A BRAND NEW ECONOMIC TECHNOLOGY AND THESE NEW ECONOMIC MODELS TRANSFORM ECONOMIC SCIENCE.What Does Ethical Economics and Economic Justice Look Like? We will feel an appreciation for the harmony of science and religion.It would be nice if economic diagrams actually made it easier to understand economics. In your past, such experiences probably have […] Read More

Christopher Buck PhD Esq

Christopher Buck, Ph.D., J.D., publishes broadly as an independent scholar in a wide range of fields, including American studies, Native American studies, African American studies, religious studies, Islamic studies, and Baha’i studies. His Ph.D. (University of Toronto, 1996) is in the academic study of religions, and his law degree (2006) is from the Western Michigan […] Read More

Visualizing the Divine Economy – What Does It Look Like at the Macro Level and at the Micro Level?

THIS IS A BRAND NEW ECONOMIC TECHNOLOGY AND THESE NEW ECONOMIC MODELS TRANSFORM ECONOMIC SCIENCE.We will see the visualization of the economy at the macroeconomic level and at the microeconomic level. We will feel an appreciation for the harmony of science and religion.It would be nice if economic diagrams actually made it easier to understand […] Read More

Mr. Bruce Koerber

Bruce Koerber is an economist in the classical liberalism tradition. Bruce became a Baha’i in 1977 and went homefront pioneering shortly afterwards. This eventually led him to Auburn, Alabama where, providentially, he studied economics shortly after the Ludwig von Mises Institute made its home in Auburn, making it the world center for Austrian economics. Bruce […] Read More

The Divine Economy world economy of Bahá’u’lláh transcends in scope and purpose the belated response to the risk of calamity made by economists and statesmen under the pressure of events in recent years. His principles are established upon organic laws of human evolution. They interpret the modern problem not as a temporary maladjustment of industry and trade […] Read More

the utterance project

Engage with the Bahá’í Holy Writings in the original Arabic and Persian. and Violetta will share stories about how they were inspired to start the Utterance Project, the aims and goals of this online initiative, and inspiring stories about the use of the Utterance videos in the field, from Bermuda to Kazakhstan! Read More

Mr. Michael Hampton

Mr. Hampton is currently an entertainment consultant, music producer, and executive producer, He is also a team member of the Third Coast Recording Company in Grand Haven, MI., and became a voting member of the GRAMMYs in 2010.In addition to his career in the entertainment industry, he successfully built an investment practice as a Vice […] Read More