Year: 2020

Mr. Graham R Nicholson

Graduated with LLB (hons) in Uni Western Australia in the mid 60s.  Practiced law briefly as a solicitor before moving to Darwin in 1974 as a public lawyer. First member of the new NT Dept of Law on grant of NT Self-Government.  First NT Crown Solicitor.  Later NT Senior Crown Counsel with NT Department of […] Read More

The Baha’i Faith in America

How the Baha’i Faith came to the United States and a community developed here, which was able to welcome ‘Abdu’l-Baha in 1912. Read More

Mr. Robert Stockman

 Robert H. Stockman obtained his Master’s degree and doctorate in Religious Studies from Harvard University, where he specialized in history of religion in the United States. He is the author of The Bahá’í Faith in America, volumes 1 and 2, which cover Bahá’í events in the United States from 1892 to 1900 and 1901 to […] Read More

Casting Our Nets on the Right Side: Delivering the ‘Good News’ to Our Christian Friends Through Sharing a Story.

America was ablaze with millennial anticipation in 1844. Religious leaders expected Christ’s return was imminent. Not only were there signs in the heavens, but prophecies—some general but some very specific—all pointed to that year. Hundreds of thousands of laypeople looked to the skies in joyous anticipation. Clearly, their expectations were not fulfilled. But were the […] Read More

Mr. Jay Tyson

Jay Tyson grew up outside of Detroit, Michigan, and graduated from Princeton University with a degree in civil engineering in 1976. He and his wife Eileen spent four years in Liberia, where Jay worked on road construction projects. They also spent seven years in Haifa, Israel, where he assisted with historic restoration at the Baha’i […] Read More

From Bible Prophecy to Baha’u’llah – A recovering Fundamentalist Preacher shares his perspectives on teaching Christians

A RELENTLESS SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH Incredible true story from former Worldwide Church of God minister Right out of the gate, this story will shake you, hitting you in the gut with a tale of a broken home, kidnapping and a childhood bereft of love.And then it gets even more interesting.In The People of the Sign, Wade […] Read More

Mr. Wade Fransson

Wade Fransson is the author of a successful trilogy, and the founder of Something or other Publishing (SOOP), which utilizes Social Media and Publishing to provide flexible Author Driven Publishing services. He is a former Worldwide Church of God Minister, with an undergraduate degree in Theology and an MBA. His diverse background includes having lived […] Read More

Race Unity: A Prerequisite to American and Global Progress.

Ms. Monique Stevens will discuss the Bahai perspective on race unity as it relates to the oneness of humanity and the Bahai goal of carrying forward an “ever advancing civilization.” Read More

White American Bahá’ís role in bringing about racial justice/unity.

This has been a very challenging year for the United States. We have battled a global pandemic that has taken the lives of almost 200,000 Americans. At the same time, we have come to a point of reckoning as it relates to race relations in our country ever since the killing of George Floyd. Since […] Read More

Baha’i Explorations

 Exploration – is the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it. We hope you will enjoy the mix of speakers and the variety of topics discussed every Sunday, here is a list of all Previous Sessions. “He is a true Baha’i who strives by day and by night to […] Read More