Day: October 13, 2020

Towards the New World Order, A Bahá’í Perspective

Copy of this presentation: Meditation 98 Towards a New World OrderIf you read the Introduction to the Dawnbreakers, Nabil describes the wretchedness of the Persian state and society in the 19th century. It reads: “Persia as a feeble and backward nation divided against itself by corrupt practices and ferocious bigotries. Inefficiency and wretchedness, the fruits of […] Read More

Mr. Graham R Nicholson

Graduated with LLB (hons) in Uni Western Australia in the mid 60s.  Practiced law briefly as a solicitor before moving to Darwin in 1974 as a public lawyer. First member of the new NT Dept of Law on grant of NT Self-Government.  First NT Crown Solicitor.  Later NT Senior Crown Counsel with NT Department of […] Read More